Augmented reality (AR) is live video footage of the world, which has had content digitally laid over it. As the capabilities of smartphones and technology increases, a rapidly growing number of consumers will be used to their experience of a product being more than just its physical presence. The object in front of them will only be the start of their branded story, AR will expand it in ways previously unheard of and your social media strategy can take advantage of this. This example using the Cap'n Crunch cereal box is just one of the many ways that brands can use AR to connect with their audience.
Brands will need to be prepared, and that includes modern digital marketers. At this year’s Social Media Week: London, Blippar’s president of global marketing (Omaid Hiwaizi) gave several examples of how AR can be implemented into brands’ marketing activities. This in turn led us to consider how these experiences could be utilised by marketers to improve the value of their social channels, and getting more people to them. Get ready for the future, because where we’re going you don’t need roads!
Through gamification, or custom-made branded content, AR can provide consumers with both a deeper connection with a brand and an opportunity to connect with a wider community who are also interacting with the brand. An AR campaign from Maybelline over 5,700 people shared images of themselves virtually trying on new nail polishes.
Not only do campaigns like this provide an ample amount of earned media, but they also allow for brands to create lists of Twitter users who are engaged customers that can be targeted again with Tailored Audience lists. Using Personality Insights powered by IBM Watson you can discover the characteristics of people who get involved in these campaigns. This will give you insights into the type of people buying your products, which can influence future marketing efforts.
Omaid Hiwaizi, president of global marketing, Blippar (All subsequent quotes are also Omaid's)
Everyday objects can be recognised by AR apps via a cameraphone, who can then provide a wide range of content with social possibilities. For example, if the camera recognises a cat, the app could suggest popular cat hashtags, a catfood brand’s social pages, or profiles of influential Twitter users who are interested in cats.
Before making a purchase, customers will be able to use AR in store to get a better idea of the product and if they would like to buy it. They could access reviews on social media, Tweets about the brand, and pre-purchase experiences. Not only this, but if they access the brand’s site, then they may be able to be retargeted by Twitter Ad’s website retargeting feature.
Regular customers can get a changing experience, meaning they can continue to be exposed to social channels & ongoing campaigns without even logging in.
We’ve had fun looking at this topic before. Wearables will have a lot of social marketing potential, and AR can be included in the mix too. Walking through a street using smart eyewear, you could see Tweets sent from certain places, including images of them. This technology could then be applied to giving more in-depth social experiences at shops, attractions, events, and other businesses.
Seeing this technology live in action filled us with excitement about the potential that it presents to digital marketers. The practices and campaigns that will become possible can deliver a more enriching experience for a brand’s audience as well as more meaningful touch points. What ways do you think AR could assist your social strategy?