Identify, activate or build author panels with micro and macro influencers at scale to amplify your brand and build your audience...
Sponsorship &
Identify relevant sponsors & partners to understand the potential value of the relationship and co-marketing actions...
Turn audience intelligence into actionable insights from previous events, competitors' events or topics to attract the right audience for your event, identify the most relevant speakers, and understand how it performed...
B2B Lead
The purchase journey on B2B is not so easy. B2B buyers spend hours, days and sometimes months researching the technology, understanding them, their influencers and their segments is vital for your strategy...
Social Listening
Create panels based on our audience intelligence reports. You can create these author queries in your Social Listening platform of choice by uploading, audience or segment members, influencers or organizations (including media) ...
Audience-Centric Content Creation
Audience-Centric content creation allows brands to discover the content that resonates most with each segment across publications they visit and social media posts they interact with...
Identify the most relevant journalists for your audience and segments. Create content panels with them and their publications on your social listening to stay on top of the latest news and how they speak about certain topics.
Advertising - Segmentation
& Targeting
With the rise of the "Cookie-less world", Creativity and Audience-first marketing are at the heart of the solution. Inform your targeting based on relevant segmentation and insights...
Market and Consumer
Audience intelligence allows you to do qualitative research on audiences, segments and their market share. Quickly research markets/audiences & competitors in addition to surveys, panels and focus groups data...
Finding the best talent can sometimes be complicated, especially if what a brand seeks are more specialized profiles that don’t have a role too defined..
Twitter Marketing
Audiense is the most powerful Twitter Marketing platform. Either to understand your followers and competitors' followers, manage them, create very advanced tailored audiences for advertising or even opt-in DM chatbots...