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Credit keeps the world economy moving, with Visa, Mastercard and American Express brand names easily identifiable across the globe... 

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Decoding the alternative milk conversation

We recently collaborated with Pulsar to tap into the conversation around alternative milk options available.

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What Marketers Need To Know About Social Media Consumer Segmentation

Understand how Social Media Consumer Segmentation is different to your current social listening data, and how it can make your Marketing Uniquely Relevant.

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Understanding the Cannes Lions 2019 audience

Cannes Lions is the ideal forum par excellence to discuss the most innovative and resonant topics in the advertising industry.

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Who is the Coca-Cola Audience?

As a well-known global brand and multinational manufacturer, Coca-Cola generates a lot of buzz and interactions on a worldwide scale.

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Who sets the beat in the EDM industry?

The most innovative companies are already benefiting from the technological possibilities: creating more personalized strategies to increase engagement with the fans of the artists, and discovering new talents or even related brands with which to create profitable partnerships.

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Comparing the Estée Lauder Community

From 4 products to a multi-brand umbrella company, Estée Lauder managed to change the face of the beauty business. With so many brands under one roof who makes up their key audience?

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Who dominates the sports business' playing field?

For companies in the sports industry, whether teams and clubs, sponsors or specialized media, it is key to know the tastes, habits and online behaviour of those professionally engaged in the sports business, the human part of each of the stakeholders of the sector.
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Engaging with Instagrammers

Did you know, Instagram users share their posts on Twitter between 50-100 million times per month?

Don't let Instagram's API restrictions damage your marketing game. Our report shows you the different audiences of Instagram, and with our data, we show you how to find and engage with Insta-Influencers. 

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#MWC19: The audience & the top leaders behind the event

#MWC19 is one of the largest mobile events in the world to drive the digital transformation of society to improve lives globally.

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Digital Transformation: who and how is the audience leading the narrative around this buzzword?

Through audience intelligence, we discovered who is behind the Digital Transformation narrative. The distinctive and unique characteristics, interests, media consumption, behaviours, influencers, and personality… of the whole audience and each segment.

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Who are the professionals in leading UK indie agencies?

After The Drum published their list of the Top 100 independent agencies within the United Kingdom we wanted to know what attributes the professionals of those leading agencies have. Would we be able to make a prototype profile of who works in these organisations?

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The Tik Tok community

This is an example to showcase Audiense's capabilities to:

  • Understand the audience, to find out how to engage with TikTok users
  • Whom is the audience in the UK using TikTok?
  • To see who should use TikTok to get the most out of their UK/music industry audience.
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Keep Walking: Whose on this Journey?

Recently we’ve been working with a few alcohol brands through our agency clients. We thought this particular report on Johnnie Walker’s audience may tipple your fancy...

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PUMA Runners
Forever Faster. Are you the target audience for the next PUMA campaign? Let's find out!
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An audience analysis: making a Murderer

The conversation around TV shows and genres on Twitter can have a deep impact on media consumption patterns. Find out how important these insights can be, in our analysis of the conversation around Making A Murderer… 

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An audience analysis: Stranger Things

Who are the people watching the show? Step into the Upside Down of the audience: explore their tastes, affinities, online habits and more. An unseen, connected world, which you now have the key to access… 

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Who could be the next UFC star?

Having signed up wrestling legend Ben Askren the UFC is looking to the future for their next big acquisition. Explore how the UFC can continue to gain global market share... 

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Understanding the Community of Early Tech Adopters

Understand the insights that helped shape a major Technology provider's marketing strategy. Who is their target Audience? What does the data mean?...

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Tesco: The British multinational retailer and its community

With 100 years under its belt, Tesco is determined to continue to serve shoppers a little better every day. Who are these shoppers? Which communities make up their audience? What makes them loyal Tesco supporters? We have answers... 

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