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Who could be the next UFC star?

Breaking into a new market? How to gain global market share? We have the answers...

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Why we did it

UFC vs OneChampionship Community

Having recently signed a OneChampionship legend, Ben Askren the UFC were in the market to capitalise on the buzz and break into the Asian Market. We were interested in exploring both communities to identify if OneChampionship is the right partner fit.

Deep Dive: Looking at

  • OneChampionship media exposure over the past year
  • Key segments in both communities 
  • Understanding what influences each audience and what interests they hold

Insights we found

A few Insights...

  • A large spike in Media Exposure was found amongst media within the Philippines
  • Twitter(56%) and Instagram(35%) were the top two sources for social sharing 
  •  Largest segment: English-speaking MMA fans
  • Several niche segments related to different styles of fighting around the globe
  • Fighters generate the greatest Affinities with the brand
  • The next UFC star: Angela Lee or Brandon Vera?


  • Tom Taylor (Bloomberg BNA), Paul Ryding (South China Morning Post) and Dana Becker (FightLine) came in as the top 3 editorial influencers. 
  • These 3 influencers accounted for 36% of the total content shared between the top 20 influencers.

Interested in learning about your own audience and it's segments, their distinct interests, behaviour, influencers, media consumption and much more? Speak to a member of out team today to get your own tailored report based on brief provided by you!

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