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4 ideas to apply personality insights to content creation

As we saw a few weeks ago, content creation is one of the strategies which is most used by company marketing departments (91% of B2B professionals and 86% of those in the B2C sector use it). With these figures in hand, it's easy to see that making your content stand out amongst the huge number of pieces which consumers are exposed to is an increasingly difficult task.

And it's not, as you might imagine, about creating more content. It's about connecting and serving. We talk about relevance and for something to be relevant, personalization is key. So, what's the good news? The time when market research consumed a lot of time and money using small samples has come to an end. Currently, social data allows us to obtain very specific insights from the analyzed audiences, whether large or small, with just a few mouse clicks and at low cost. Personality insights are an example of the type of insights that can be obtained at scale.

What are Personality Insights?

Personality Insights reveal the psychological inclinations of a group of individuals, showing in-depth the personality characteristics of these people, their needs and their values. This allows companies to immediately gain knowledge about the personality traits of the consumers, which aspects of a product are more likely to have an impact on them, and what motivates their decision making.

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And how do personality insights work?

When analyzing the personality of an audience, the publications of each of the individuals are taken into account. After inferring the personality traits of each, the averages are calculated for the whole audience and thus the unique characteristics of this group as a whole can be understood.

In the case of Audiense, our partnership with one of the technological leaders of Artificial Intelligence worldwide - IBM Watson - allows for a reduction in the time required for the collection and analysis of survey data, going from weeks using traditional market research methods to only a few hours.

4 ideas to apply personality insights to content creation

1. Choose the right tone of voice for your creatives
Would you speak in the same way to a curious, outgoing person, open to change and new experiences as you would to someone who is cautious, conservative and seeks stability? The pieces that you develop for each of these types of people must speak their "same language" and be in accordance with their personality in order to connect with them.

2. Adapt the message to highlight the most important aspects according to the traits of the audience or target segment
If the personality traits of a segment indicate that they are sentimental, social, modest people for whom caring for those around them is important, the storytelling of a campaign will be very different from that needed to connect with a segment whose individuals have a more analytical mentality, who guide their actions based on a desire to obtain maximum efficiency and who prefer to oppose authority and traditional values if they believe that they will obtain a positive change.

3. Create content and email marketing strategies with an approach that reflects the personality of the audience
Those who are more extroverted are more aware of what is fashionable and trending and an excess of self-confidence; favour messages and content that enhance these characteristics. On the other hand, those who are more altruistic are prone to worry and are more aware of environmental issues and support social innovation: choose these approaches in your content strategy to connect with the audience in a very positive way.

4. Identify the type of content which is relevant to each audience or target segments
Meticulous people, for example, are more inclined and receptive to consume content in the form of an eBook or whitepaper than those who are more open to change, who will be more attracted to opinion articles, or those who are more empathetic, who will better connect with articles containing tips or step-by-step guides.

These are just a few suggestions to show how personality insights can enrich your content creation strategies and help you to improve the results of your marketing campaigns. If you too want to know what your target audiences are like and what their most distinctive personality traits are, request an Audience Insights demo today and obtain their personality insights in a question of just a few hours.

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