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Audiense and Semrush Integrate: How to get enriched data

Audiense has integrated with Semrush to improve the understanding of audience affinities by combining social and web signals.

While social data is critical to understanding cultural insights for any audience in the world, other signals from the digital world can provide deeper context. These signals have the ability to help you consider who to collaborate with when it comes to a content partner, influencer, or sponsor in an effort to support your audience targeting strategy.

Audiense Insights’ new Semrush integration aims to be the starting point of this new approach.

Today, hundreds of the most innovative and data-savvy agencies and brands worldwide use Audiense Insights to connect cultural insights about people with their strategies. These cultural insights are based on how people are connected not only amongst each other but also with influencers, events, podcasters, twitchers, blogs, youtube channels and general or niche media. While until now, Audiense would use primarily social signals to highlight how relevant all these entities were for your target audience, with this integration, you are now able to gather far more relevant context about them by understanding the search volume and web traffic associated with those entities.

Let’s run you through an example:

Let’s say that you are an agency and your client wants to target an audience of data engineers and data architects around the world. Well, if you are an Audiense Insights user by now, you know that we can get a clear understanding of this audience with our segmentation very quickly:

Audiense blog - audience segmentation

The segmentation quickly demonstrated the different types of segments making up your audience. In this instance you can now see how the data scientists segment is more aligned with machine learning while the big data specialists have distinctive affinities with infrastructure products for big data like Spark or Apache Kafka.

Audiense blog - Audiense segmentation

Now that we have confirmed with the client that the product being pitched is better suited to Big Data specialists, we can find 20,000 filterable affinities sorted by relevance for that segment in particular. These affinities are the ones that you should consider for your content partners or your collaborations, as they are the ones that are going to influence your audience.

Audiense blog - Audience Insights - influencers identification

This is where the new integration with Semrush comes into play. While we already provide Affinity and Uniqueness as our internal metrics to rank these entities, you can now download new signals from Semrush to provide a deeper understanding of the target audience. The two signals we are currently integrating are monthly Search volume (on average the last 12 months) and web traffic for the most important country of your analyzed audience.

How do you get access to this? Once in your report just select the ‘Actions’ button in the top right corner which will present you with a drop down selection menu. Select ‘Export enriched influencers Semrush’.

Audiense blog - Export influencers to Semrush

When selected the following pop up will appear:

Audiense blog - Audiense and Semrush integration

Now choose either to authenticate using your Semrush account or create a new one and then authenticate.

Audiense blog - Semrush OAuth

An excel file will then be downloaded displaying the Search Volume and Traffic for the top 50 entities.

Audiense blog - excel file

As you can see above, you are now able to overlay the Traffic for the websites of each of the entities and the Search Volume for the top country (in this case the US) in order to gain greater context around your audience. As a result, you will be able to leverage these findings in order to implement them within a specific use case and/or objectives, be it building SEO, influencer marketing, building awareness, etc.

Rory Hope from Remote has been pioneering ‘Audience-first SEO’ for a while now. Semrush web performance data and Audiense social data can be combined to deliver more value for your SEO and content strategy and this is what he thinks about the integration:

"By combining the Audiense segmentation and benchmarking capabilities to surface cultural insights with Semrush web performance data to provide organic performance (SEO) context for those insights, I've been able to create ‘Audience-first’ SEO content strategies that have delivered incredible value to many important brands.

It's time audience platforms like Audiense and Semrush start combining audience insights to deliver more value with less constraint to the users.

Let’s take the example of our theoretical agency discovering that they need to target ‘Big data specialists’ for their client. We can use Audiense to identify all of the top influencers (e.g. media publishers), and then prioritise those based on Semrush web traffic data indicating their SEO visibility is high.

You could then upload those websites into Semrush and export all of their top ranking keyword data, and then use this to formulate your SEO strategy. You are aware that these influencers (that have high affinity scores with ‘Data scientists’ and large amounts of SEO traffic) are going to rank for relevant keywords for your client, whilst reaching your primary target audience(s).

This literally scratches the surface of what tactical and strategic capabilities ‘Audience-first’ SEO enables. I’m so excited to see how the industry reacts to the Audiense and Semrush integration. " To find out more on how Rory Hope and Remote made use of the integration read about their use case/ journey they took in our blog.

This is just the beginning of our partnership with Semrush! We aim to provide you with several more improved features whilst continuing to double down on bringing you more integrations.

Audiense blog - Start a trial - Audiense Insights