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Releasing SocialBro in Spanish

After the last and important release we did in the end of July, we are happy to launch today a new version of SocialBro with some additions and improvements.


Spanish version

The main change is that now you can select another language than English, that is Spanish. Now SocialBro is available for Spanish-speaking too! You can change the language by clicking the new toolbar settings icon. Soon we will launch our app in other different languages, like the Portuguese.


New toolbar icon

Apart from change the language, in the new toolbar settings icon you can select the page size by number of users (10, 50 and 100), or let it automatically calculated, and select the view (grid, list and detailed).


Further you can select the functions: “synchronize at logon”, “play a sound after each synchronization” and also “disable the dashboard computing after the synchronization”. We recommend this last option for communities with more than 100K followers, to improve the tool's efficiency. In the toolbar settings you have the possibility to change your login password as well.


Sharing settings

You will also notice that now the settings are shared across different computers where a user has installed the tool. For example, if you add three Twitter accounts into the application you won’t need to add them again when using SocialBro in other computers. The tool recognizes the username and the settings. The same goes for the sources you have added to analyze: Twitter accounts, Twitter searches, Twitter lists or text file.


New scroll button and languages to filter

In SocialBro 0.2.5 you will realize that we have added a new scroll button to improve paging performance. To see the new scroll button you have to pass the mouse over the right and left extremities of the screen. The other news is that now Dutch and Indonesian users can make searches into its communities and on Twitter by filtering with these two languages, that we have added in this new version.

We don't get tired of saying that it’s a pleasure for us to develop and improve SocialBro with your help!

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