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Audience intelligence - Audiense solutions - Product launch

Market & Consumer Research

Product launch

Delivering with impact and relevance

Using social data, an innovative companies is able to identify and understand any audience tailoring their strategy and delivering their purpose in the most impactful and relevant way possible. Through a data-led approach Audiense helped identify, understand and reach a new market, ensuring maximum awareness of your brand new offering.

Using Audiense Insights this brand was able to:

  • Analyse the audience of a similar product in their new market (a new potential competitor)
  • Identify a small segment of “health conscious” which was ideal to promote the new product which was branded as a new alternative “healthy” option

The approach was not to “steal” the full of audience of the well established brand but... 

... to find a segment that this new product could resonate with and use these insights to gain loyalty.

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